Artist: Cowboy | Song: I Ride An Old Paint

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Cowboy, I Ride An Old Paint Tabs

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Country Tabs > Cowboy Tabs > I Ride An Old Paint

Artist/Band: Cowboy Tabs
Song: I Ride An Old Paint Tab

 29 Dec 1993 11:16:59 -0500
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 11:16:59 -0500
From: "Andrew D. Lowry" 
Subject: submission
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Message-id: <[email protected]>
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT

Even without any lyrics, the cadence of this song enough to
deserve attention.  But song does have words and they savor
the West.  Yee-haw!

                        "I ride an old Paint"

1.I     ride on old Paint, I lead an old Dan.  I'm
2.      Old bill Jones had two daughters and a song;
3.Oh,   when I die, take my saddle from the wall, Put it

        D7                      G
        off the Mantan' for to throw the hoolihan.  They
        One went to Denver,& the other went wrong.  His
        on my pony and          lead him from the stall.  Tie my

        D7                      G
        feed in the coulees,they water in the draw;  Their
        wife, she died in a     poolroom fight, And he
        bones to his back,turn our faces to the west, And we'll

        D7                                      C               G
        tails are all matted, their             backs are all   raw.(Chorus)
        sings this song from                  morning till      night:(Chorus)
        ride the prairies we                    love the        best.(Chorus)


        D7                                              G
Ride a- round, little dogies,                   ride a- round slow, For the

        D7                              C               G
        fiery and snuffy are a-         rarin' to       go.


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